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The Hero wines are vegan friendly, but what does this actually mean when it comes to winemaking?

Most people would be surprised to learn that wine has any animal products at all. Yet it’s at the final part of winemaking called fining where animal products can be used. Fining is this polishing and presentation, the part where the wine gets its final buff before being bottled.


Wine prior to bottling contains nasty bits such as proteins, tartrates, tannins and phenols. The job of the fining is to eradicate these unwanted elements so the wine is as seamless as possible. The fining agent’s job is to grab onto these molecules and remove them from the finished wines.



To combat the use of the animal products, The Hero winemakers have a vegan friendly option up their sleeve. There are several common fining agents used as alternatives, such as pea and plant proteins. These work the same way as the more traditional animal fining agents but are all vegan friendly.

If you are concerned a wine may have traces of animal products, look out for the VF symbol on the label and you can be assured it is vegan friendly.
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